I've had quite a few jobs in my life. Currently, I'm toiling away in Washington, DC, for a commercial real
estate firm. I'm the Senior Administrative Assistant in the Leasing Department. I also help out with Corporate Communications
and Research. I'm a well-rounded worker...and I'm not referring to my weight! :)
My working career has been very varied! I've worked as:
- Office Clerk
- Receptionist
- Administrative Assistant
- Help Desk Representative
- Assistant Editor
- Editor
- Employment Referral Coordinator
- Documentation Specialist
- Executive Assistant
- Senior Administrative Assistant
All of them represent a special part of my life. So many things have happened, though I've only worked for six companies
in my life. Things change so fast.
If I could go back and warn myself about a job, I would definitely tell myself not to touch TranTech
with a ten-foot pole. That job messed me up more than I'd like to admit! When you get a gut feeling about something,
you should really listen to it.
My best job was for Cable & Wireless. They knew how to treat people and were very good to me. The people
were kind and great to work with, too. I just happened to join the team when C&W was going down the toilet.
So much for the dot com industry!
The job I have now runs a close second. I've been here about 2.5 years and though the beginning was rocky, I've come out
on top.
My proudest achievements have been the newsletters I created. For more than one company, I established a publication
for them. I love it when the creativity flows!